ELON MUSK, the founder and CEO of top companies like Tesla, Space-x, Solar city.The man how invented the innovation products in the world. The Tesla AI day event was conducted on Thursday evening Elon musk has come out with an new ideas of AI Humanoid robot shortly MUSK, said as" Tesla bot". 


     Table of contents

  1. AI Humanoid Robot
  2. Details about TESLA BOT. 
  3. Technical details about BOT
  4. D1 chip introduction
  5. Details about D1chip

                AI Humanoid Robot was launched by Tesla company. The founder of Tesla Elon Musk, made an announcement and introduce a model on Tesla AI day conducted on Thursday with his Tesla team. We all known Tesla is famous for electric car all people are thinking that Tesla is a car manufacturing company but it's not true Tesla is a Artificial intelligence company electric car one of the product of Tesla company . And now the second product is AI Humanoid Robot Or Tesla Bot or is, called as optimus said by Musk.


                   Tesla Bot is a Artificial intelligence type of Robot and they can make a decision as own. It may be look like a human Musk, said," this robot can be used for complement and risky boring and reptivtity works of Human said by Musk on Tesla AI day. It will be expected to launch on 2022.


                     Tesla Bot maximum height will be 5" 8' and it's weight will be 125 LBS around 56 kg and his speed will be 5kilometers er hour and it's maximum carrying capacity is 45 LBS Aroundly 20kg.His capacity for upto death lift is 150LBs (68kg).These are the outlook of Tesla Bot. Bot can get upto run five miles an hour said by MUSK.


                   Tesla AI Humanoid Robot contain 40 Electro mechanical Actuator and have 12 inch of arms, 3 inch of neck and 2feet for axis feet for balancing with force feet back sensing. And also have a multi -cam video, neural network, neural net planning, Auto labeling, simulator steely, FSD hardware, dojo training. In his metal head consists of 8 camera like a Tesla car for screening 360°and record all the events what happening .





         After the 90 minutes explanation about AI Humanoid Robot and also introduced D1 chips that used for DOJOsuper computer . D1 chips was introduced by DOJO project head Ganesh Venugopal explained the process of D1 ship. Before that we look after why these chipset are developed? For that we have to known about Artificial Intelligence? AI is work by Artificial neural network. In world all the artificial products process are basically related to natural process of work. For example if we a take a Humans eating food process. Human have to do lot of the work for live for doing this work we have a energy first but how we get that energy? Only by food if we eat any food it directly go down to stomach and digest the food and sent the energy to our human parts for do work. This mechanism process is bases for engine work . Like that Artifical intelligence ideas is also related to natural process. Many scientists also research how the brain works? And finally found that our brain contains lot of neurons these neurons transfer the message to textons by chemical energy or electric energy. This is base idea they found the Artificial neural networking. But how do they use it? For example if a baby is born with no any data in brain except genetical data they learn every thing by day to day activities and store in his brain. Like Artificial intelligence also needs training for storing more and more data. For this training they need a super computer and for speed they need chipset so many company like intel, IPM and many other try to upgrade a advance level chipset. And now TESLA is coming out with a new chip called D1 chip has already launch the FSD chipset ( Full self driving chipset ) already fix in TESLA Electric cars.


               D1 chip is made of 7nm (nano meter) technology with 50 billion transistors and 11 + mils of w hr. This chip is like a GPU level compute with a couple flexibility and twice the network of chip level and 10 bandwidth.


                 D1 chips contains 362 TFLOPS of processing power. First we have to know what is t era flops? Flops means Floating-point for calculating the difficult decimal points in speed simply Flops means computer speed for transferring a data. Trillion Flops point means trillion operation points are capable to finish within a second is t era flops. Basically place station 5 has only contains the highest processing unit of 10 T era flops. In Human brain contains 100 T flop. But in DD1 chip contains 362 T Flops. They said D1 chips I is a training tile approximately training tile containing 9 chips like that chip they joined various tiles contain 9 chips was assigned into computer . We can't guess the speed of computer? This type of super computer used for processing various data and signals for taking a right decision at right time. And this data are transferred from DOJO computers to D1 chips set through Neural network and these output is also apply for TESLA cars and AI Humanoid Robot . These data are uploaded on Tesla cars and Tesla Bot and after the assignment they will continuously give updates for development which we see our phone asking updates to increase their capacity . With help of these car has also take a decision better than existing TESLA car after tow or three years said by ELON MUSK If it happened Tesla car will be the world no 1 car and this chipset is also designed by Tesla only not with any company help. This is all not only applies for cars but also in a AI Humanoid Robot (Tesla Bot). MUSk predicted that I future film of Artificial Intelligence for that training TESLA invented the super computer and D1 chips for AI training.


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