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Top market cap companies |
In this article shows the planet high ten largest market cap company in keeping with 2020 survey. And his founder and chief executive officer of the corporate allow us to see.
Apple is that the world first one market capability company in world. And it had been supported by STEVE JOBS and he conjointly chief executive officer of the corporate still 2011 . When after his dead Tim Cook was appointed as chief executive officer of the corporate.It was suitated in u. s.. It's belong TECHNOLOGY sector. And its market cap is increase from $1.288 T to $2.227T .2019 to 2020
Micro SOFT is that the world second-largest market capability. Microsoft was supported by Gates , PAUL ALLEN. SATYA NADELLA is chief executive officer of MICROSOFT company. It's belong to Technology sector, and it's situated in u. s. Its market cap is increasing compare to last year $1.200T from this year $1.938 T.
SAUDI ARAMCO is that the world third-largest market capability company. SAUDI ARANCO was supported byKENNATH R. KINGSBURY, ABUDULLAHBIN SULLEIMAN AL HAMDAN. Chief executive officer of the corporate AMIN H. NASSER still currently. It belongs to Energy sector in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Market cap of the corporate was $1.888 trillion in 2020.
AMAZON is that the world fourth-largest market capability company in world. It had been supported by JEFF BEZOS he's conjointly the chief executive officer of the corporate. It had been belonged to client discretionary sector at was noted for on-line searching company. Amazon market cap was $1.691 trillion in 2020.
GOOGLE is worldwide users company it had been belonged to technology sector in u. s. Founding father of GOOGLE is LARRY PAGE, SERGEY BRIN. SUNDAR PICHAI is that the chief executive officer of GOOGLE ALPHABETS still currently. Market cap of GOOGLE COMPANY was $1.656 Trillion in 2020.
FACEBOOK is that the highest social media users in world. It had been rank as Sixth-largest market cap company in world. MARK ZUCKERBERG is that the founding father of Face book, and it's conjointly chief executive officer of the corporate. It's belong to Technology sector and situated in u. s.. Market cap of the corporate was $942.77 billion in 2020.
TENCENT is that the web company belong to Technology sector . And it had been Situated in CHINA. MA HUATENG is that the founding father of TENCENT company, and he's the chief executive officer of the corporate. Market cap of TENCENT company in 2020 is $742 billion.
8.BERSHIRE Hathaway
BERSHIRE Hathaway is money sector company in u. s.. And it's rank as eight place in world largest Market capability company within the world. Founding father of the company is OLIVE CHACE. WARREN BUFFETT is that the chief executive officer of the corporate still currently. Market cap of BERSHIRE Hathaway is $654 billion in 2020.
TESLA is rank as ninth place in world largest market capability company. ELON MUSK is that the Founder and chief executive officer of the corporate. it's belong car mobile sector. Market cap of the corporate is $582.32 in 2020.It situated in u. s..
ALIBBHA is rank as ten th place on world largest market capability company. it had been situated in China. JACK MA is that the founding father of ALIBBHA comapany. DANIEL ZHANG is chief executive officer of company. it's belong to client discretionary sector. Market cap of ALIBBHA COMPANY is $$582.32in 2020
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